Staff & Volunteer Recognition Opportunities
We believe that our volunteers and staff are the cornerstone of what enables Hospice Muskoka to deliver the quality and variety of support and programs people in our community need when they and their families are facing end-of-life decisions. Our Board and leadership teams are eternally grateful for the contributions and talent of those who choose to dedicate their time to helping others, in one of the most difficult times of their lives.
In addition to our own Sandra Winspear Volunteer Recognition Award, there is a provincial volunteer award and a district award open to staff and volunteers every year.
Nominations for all awards must be submitted to Julie Charters (, based on the criteria below.

2023 Recipient Toni Delabbio
June Callwood Circle of Outstanding Volunteers Award
Nominations due Feb 1st
Each hospice in Ontario that is a HPCO member is invited to nominate one (1)
volunteer who “exemplifies the spirit of hospice volunteerism”. All who are nominated are recognized. This Provincial Award is presented annually at the HPCO Conference.
The June Callwood Award was established in 1994 by Hospice Association of Ontario, who joined with the Ontario Palliative Care Association in 2011 to form Hospice Palliative Care Ontario. It is named in honour of the late June Callwood, Award Patron, long-time advocate of hospice, community activist, author and Order of Canada recipient. June received this award in 1995. Since 1995, over 855 outstanding hospice volunteers across Ontario have been inducted.
Award criteria include:
Inductees must be registered as a volunteer with a hospice that is an organizational
member of HPCO
Inductees must not be previous recipients of the June Callwood Award
The inductee is an individual who consistently extends him/her/themselves beyond the
usual requirements of the volunteer role
Each inductee should have demonstrated to their hospice the following attributes:
Selfless service
Generosity of spirit
A commitment to excellence as a volunteer
Nominee must be approved by ED or Board Chair
Sandra Winspear Volunteer Recognition Award
Nominations due March 31st
This award was created by Hospice Muskoka in honour of our first Executive Director, Sandra Winspear, as a way to carry forward Sandra’s legacy and her commitment to delivering exceptional hospice services to our community.
The award recognizes a volunteer’s “passion, innovation, heart and dedication to supporting individuals and their families living with a palliative diagnosis in the South & West Muskoka region” and is open to any Hospice Muskoka volunteer.
Send your written nomination to Julie Charters no later than March 1 st each year. Include your name, contact details, and a brief summary (no more than 300 words) of why you believe this individual should be recognized. When considering someone for this award, consider how some of the following characteristics are shown by the individual:
Service, Compassion, Perseverance, Determination, Commitment, Warmth, Humour, Innovation, Creativity, Friendliness, Insight, Leadership, Positivity, Capacity for love

The Golden Spoon Award
This is a new award at Hospice Muskoka to honour a dedicated kitchen chef. Since the opening of Andy’s House this volunteer has come in weekly to make soups and dessert for families and clients. This volunteer and their family come in and serve meals to our residents over holidays and he also pays attention if a resident loves a special snack and then he makes it for them.
Thank you David Rushby for your outstanding work in the kitchen.
Brenda Smith Leadership Award
Nominations due Sept 9th
This award is given by the North Simcoe Muskoka Hospice Palliative Care Network (to Given) to “an exemplary hospice palliative care provider working or volunteering with individuals and families in the North Simcoe Muskoka Region”. Individuals in any care sector are eligible for nomination and at least two individual nominations per person are required in order to be considered. The nominee should be someone who displays leadership and determination, with a personal warmth & strength of character.
Key characteristics might include:
Being a mentor, a teacher, a listener, a leader
A passion for palliative care
Intuition and vision
Personal warmth, strength of character
Courageous, determined, tenacious
Ability to unite people to a common goal or outcome
Ability to recruit the right people
Sees potential in people & nourishes that
Displays an understanding of all modalities associated with illness and bereavement
Displays patient-entered care
Send your written nomination to Julie Charters no later than September 9th.
Include your name, contact details, and a brief summary (no more than 300 words) of why you believe this individual should be recognized. The Award is presented annually at the NSMHPCN Regional Conference.
Additional information is available at